Thursday, June 7, 2012

Parippu curry / Moong dal Curry

Parippu curry / Moong dal Curry



• Moong dal / Parippu - 1 cup

• Shallots - 6-7 nos

• Grated coconut - 1/2 cup

• Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp

• Green chillies - 3-4 nos

• Ginger chopped - 1 tsp

• Garlic chopped - 1 tsp

• Cumin seeds - 1 tsp

• Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp

• Oil - 2 to 3 tsp

• Curry leaves - a sprig

• Red chilli - 2

• Salt to taste


1. Wash and soak the dal for 6-8 hours.

2. Cook it in a pressure cooker by adding water and a pinch of salt. Cook for two whistles.Mash it well.

3. Meanwhile grind grated coconut,half of chopped shallots, greenchillies, cum​in seeds, ginger and garlic to a fine paste

4, Add this coconut paste to the mashed dal and combine it well..Add salt to taste

5. Simmer it for 5- 8 minutes & remove it from fire

6. Heat oil in a pan ,add mustard seeds, when it starts to splutter ,add remaining shallots, curry leafs and red chillies.

7. Pour it over the dal curry.

Curry is ready.... :)

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