Thursday, June 7, 2012

Lemon Pickle

Lemon Pickle



• Lemon - 5 or 6 ( big )

• Ginger ( chopped ) - 1 tbsp

• Green chili (chopped ) - 4

• Sliced garlic - 5 to 8 pods

• Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp

• Asafoetida powder - 1/4 tsp

• Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp

• Oil - 2 tbsp - 3 tbsp ( as required )

• Salt to taste

• Curry leaves - 1 sprig


1. Clean and cut each lemons into 8 pieces.

2. Mix it with salt and a pinch of turmeric powder and keep it aside for 1/2 hr to 1 hr.

3. Then heat oil & add mustard seeds.

4. When it splutters, add curry leaves, sliced garlic, ginger & green chilly.

5. Saute it for a few seconds & add turmeric pdr.

6. Reduce the heat & add lemon pieces & saute it well.

7. Then springle some water ( not pour too much water, only springle ) into the  mixture & boil it well.

8. Remove it from fire and add asafoetida pdr into this.

9. Mix it well and allow it to cool.

10. Keep in an air tight container.

Simple yellow lemon pickle is ready...

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