Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pal Payasam / Rice Kheer

Pal Payasam



• Basmati Raw Rice - 1/2 cup

• Milk - 5 cup

• Ghee - 1 Tbsp

• Sugar - 1 cup ( as required )

• Cashew nuts - 8 to 10

• Cardamoms - 3 to 5 (crushed)

• Raisins- 1 Tbsp

• Salt - a pinch (optional)


1. Cook the rice with 3 cups of milk in a pressure cooker and cook it for 3 whistles .

2.. Add the remaining milk, salt and sugar & cook the mixture over a medium flame for 20 more minutes ( or till it is thick) Stir continuously.

3.. Remove from the flame and keep it aside.

4 . Heat the ghee in a pan and fry cashew nuts till it is golden brown.

5. Remove the nuts and add raisins in the same pan and fry till it puffs up.

6 .Add the nuts and the raisins to the kheer. Sprinkle the cardamoms on top and mix thoroughly.

Serve hot or cold.


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