Friday, June 29, 2012

Capsicum Omellete

Capsicum Omellete


• Egg - 3

• Capsicum  ( one round cut for each egg)

• Red chilli flakes - 1 tsp

• Parsley  flakes - 1 tsp

• Salt to taste


1. Heat a nonstick pan , place the capsicums and pour each egg on each capsicum.

2. Sprinkle salt, red chilli flakes and parsley flakes. Remove the excess egg which comes out the capsicum.

3. Cook it for few minutes and serve it hot... Have fun.. :)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Chicken Mappas

Chicken Mappas


• Chicken - 1 kg

• Onion - 2 ( big )

• Ginger garlic paste - 2 tbsp

• Green chilli - 4 ( as required)

• Coconut milk (thick ) - 1 cup

• Corriander powder -  1 1/2 tbsp

• Chilli powder - 2tsp

• Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp

• Garam Masala - 1 tsp

• Salt to taste

• Oil


1. Heat oil in a kadai, add chopped onions, saute it till translucent.

2. Add ginger garlic paste, chopped green chilli  and saute well for 2 minutes.

3. Add chicken, corriander powder, chilli powder, turmeric powder and garam masala. Mix well and cook it for few minutes.

4. Add 1/2 cup water and cook chicken till its tender.

5. Add coconut milk and cook it for 5 minutes.

Chicken Mappas is now ready to serve.. Serve it with appam / paratha / rice.....

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Lemon Pickle

Lemon Pickle



• Lemon - 5 or 6 ( big )

• Ginger ( chopped ) - 1 tbsp

• Green chili (chopped ) - 4

• Sliced garlic - 5 to 8 pods

• Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp

• Asafoetida powder - 1/4 tsp

• Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp

• Oil - 2 tbsp - 3 tbsp ( as required )

• Salt to taste

• Curry leaves - 1 sprig


1. Clean and cut each lemons into 8 pieces.

2. Mix it with salt and a pinch of turmeric powder and keep it aside for 1/2 hr to 1 hr.

3. Then heat oil & add mustard seeds.

4. When it splutters, add curry leaves, sliced garlic, ginger & green chilly.

5. Saute it for a few seconds & add turmeric pdr.

6. Reduce the heat & add lemon pieces & saute it well.

7. Then springle some water ( not pour too much water, only springle ) into the  mixture & boil it well.

8. Remove it from fire and add asafoetida pdr into this.

9. Mix it well and allow it to cool.

10. Keep in an air tight container.

Simple yellow lemon pickle is ready...

Apple Grape Custard

Apple Grape Custard



Apple - 1 no ( chopped in cubes)

Grape ( green) - 10

Custard powder - 2 tsp

Milk - 250 ml

Sugar - 4-5 tsp

Honey - 1 tsp (optional)


1) Boil milk in a pan, simmer and let it boil for 10-12 minutes.

2) Take 5 tsps of milk in a separate bowl, add custard powder and stir till becomes a paste.

3) When the milk in pan is reduced to half, add sugar and stir well. Now add the custard paste slowly and stir for 2 minutes.

4) Pour in a bowl, add chopped apple and grape. Stir it well and serve chilled

Pal Payasam / Rice Kheer

Pal Payasam



• Basmati Raw Rice - 1/2 cup

• Milk - 5 cup

• Ghee - 1 Tbsp

• Sugar - 1 cup ( as required )

• Cashew nuts - 8 to 10

• Cardamoms - 3 to 5 (crushed)

• Raisins- 1 Tbsp

• Salt - a pinch (optional)


1. Cook the rice with 3 cups of milk in a pressure cooker and cook it for 3 whistles .

2.. Add the remaining milk, salt and sugar & cook the mixture over a medium flame for 20 more minutes ( or till it is thick) Stir continuously.

3.. Remove from the flame and keep it aside.

4 . Heat the ghee in a pan and fry cashew nuts till it is golden brown.

5. Remove the nuts and add raisins in the same pan and fry till it puffs up.

6 .Add the nuts and the raisins to the kheer. Sprinkle the cardamoms on top and mix thoroughly.

Serve hot or cold.


Vegetable Biriyani

Vegetable Biriyani



• Basmati rice - 2 cup
• Veggies - 1 1/2 cup ( Carrot, Potato, Corn, Green Peas ).
• Onion - 2 (finely chopped)
• Tomato - 2 (finely chopped)
• Ginger garlic paste - 2 tsp
• Green chilli - 3 ( finely chopped )
• Turmeric pdr- ¼ tsp
• Red chilli pdr -½ tsp
• Coriander pdr - ½ tsp
• Cumin seeds - ½ tsp
• Lemon Jucie - 2 tsp
• Ghee (Optional) - 3 tsp
• Water - 3½ cup
• Curd / yogurt - ½ cup
• Salt to taste
• Oil


• Bay leafs - 2
• Cloves -2
• Cinnamon stick (small) - 2
• Cardamon -2


• Wash and soak basmati rice for 10-15 minutes, drain & keep it aside.

• Heat oil in the pressure cooker. When the oil heats up, put the spices & cumin seeds.

• When it begings crackling, add the onions & cook till translucent.

• Add ginger garlic paste & stir for 1 min.

• Add the tomatoes & stir well until the tomatoes are cooked well.

• Add the diced vegetables, chilli powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder & salt.

• Mix well for a minute.

• Add the rice, lemon juice and curd & mix well.

• Add water (for 2 cups of rice 3 1/2 cups water) & close the pressure cooker lid. Cook for 2 whistle.

Simple vegetable biriyani is ready

Parippu curry / Moong dal Curry

Parippu curry / Moong dal Curry



• Moong dal / Parippu - 1 cup

• Shallots - 6-7 nos

• Grated coconut - 1/2 cup

• Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp

• Green chillies - 3-4 nos

• Ginger chopped - 1 tsp

• Garlic chopped - 1 tsp

• Cumin seeds - 1 tsp

• Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp

• Oil - 2 to 3 tsp

• Curry leaves - a sprig

• Red chilli - 2

• Salt to taste


1. Wash and soak the dal for 6-8 hours.

2. Cook it in a pressure cooker by adding water and a pinch of salt. Cook for two whistles.Mash it well.

3. Meanwhile grind grated coconut,half of chopped shallots, greenchillies, cum​in seeds, ginger and garlic to a fine paste

4, Add this coconut paste to the mashed dal and combine it well..Add salt to taste

5. Simmer it for 5- 8 minutes & remove it from fire

6. Heat oil in a pan ,add mustard seeds, when it starts to splutter ,add remaining shallots, curry leafs and red chillies.

7. Pour it over the dal curry.

Curry is ready.... :)

Bread Bonda

Bread Bonda


Ingredients :-

• Bread ( Preferrably white bread) - 10 Slices with corners removed.

• Bread Powder - 1 cup (You can heat the bread corners that is removed, heat it to remove moisture and grate it in a mixer.)

For filling :

• Potato - 1 big

 • Carrot - 1

 • Green Peas - as required.

 • Onion ( chopped ) - 1 medium

 • Ginger Garlic paste - 1 tsp

 • Green chilli - 2

 • Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp

 • Salt to taste

 • Curry leaf

Preparation :-


• Cut the potato, carrot into small pieces and cook it in water with a pinch of salt.

• Once boiled, drain the water completely.

• Heat oil in a pan, and cook onions until translucent. Add curry leaves.

• Add the green chillies, ginger and garlic.

• Add the boiled vergetables.

• Add turmeric powder and salt & cook for a min.

• Mash the fillings and keep this aside.

• Pat a little water on the bread on both sides.

• Place a small amount of filling onto the bread slice.

• Roll the bread slice and make it as a ball, the bread should completely
cover the filling.

• Place the ball onto the bread powder and gently roll it. Remove excess bread podwer, by gently patting the ball.

• Heat oil in a pan and deep fry the bread bonda.

Taste good when hot.

Carrot Milk Shake

Carrot Milk Shake


Ingredients :-

• Milk - 1 cup

• Carrot - 2 ( small )

• Sugar - 1 tbsp ( as required )

• Cardamom powder - small pinch

Procedure :-

Put all the ingredients into the juicer & blend well....

Serve cool...





Pumpkin (Mathanga) - 1/2 kg

Green Chillies - 5

Small Onion (Sliced) - 10

Grated Coconut- 1 cup

Curry leaves - one spring

Cumin Seeds - 1 tsp

Black Beans - 1/2 cup

Mustard seeds- one pinch

Turmeric pdr - 1/2 tsp

Salt to taste



* Cook the black beans with salt and keep it aside .

* Remove the skin of pumpkin and cut it into small cubes.

* Cook it in water and mash it well.

* Grind grated coconut, sliced onions, green chilly, cumin seeds & turmeric powder.

* Add this mixture to mashed pumpkin with black bean & add required salt.

* Boil it till the gravy becomes thick.

* Heat oil in a pan, season mustard seeds and curry leaves and pour it on to the cooked pumpkin curry.


Beetroot pachadi

Beetroot pachadi



• Beetroot - 1 ( finely chopped )

• Onion - 1 ( finely chopped )

• Ginger - 2 tsp

• Green chillies - 4 Splitted

• Curd - 1 cup

• Curry leaves

• Mustard seeds - 1/4 tsp

• Shallots -2

• Oil

• Red chilli - 1


• Heat oil in a pan & saute finley chopped onion,ginger & green chillies .Saute it well for 2 minutes

• Add finley chopped beetroot & saute it again for 2 minutes.

• Cook it in medium flame by adding 1/4 cup water.When it is cooked remove from fire

• Let the mixture cool ...& then add thick curd to it & mix it well.

• Heat oil in a pan & add mustard seeds,curry leaves.when it splutter add red chilli & shallots

• Pour this over the beetroot & combine it well!!

Ada Pradhaman

Ada Pradhaman


• Ada - 1/2 cup

• Jaggery - 1/2 cup or to taste

• Coconut milk (thin, randam pal) - 2 - 21/2 cup

• Coconut milk (thick), onnam pal) - 1 cup

• Cashews, raisins, - 2 tbsp each or as desired

• Cardamom powder - 1 tsp

• Ghee - 1 tbsp or as required

Preparation :-
• Heat ghee in a pan. Fry the raisins, cashews one by one & drain on to a paper towel.

• Now add the ada & saute in ghee for 3-4 mts. Add more ghee if required, at medium heat.

• Add water & cook it in water for around 20 mts or until it becomes soft.

• Add the melted jaggery, cook at medium heat & continue stirring in between.

• When it thickens, add the thin coconut milk.

• Bring down the heat to medium-low and cook until it thickens, continue stirring in between

• Now add the thick coconut milk. Mix well & add the cardamom powder.

• Mix well, cook for 1-2 mts at low heat and switch off.

• Garnish with the fried cashews, & raisins.

• Serve hot or cold.

Manga Chammanthy / Mango chutney

Manga Chammanthy

• Raw mango - 1

• Coconut - 1/2 cup ( grated)

• Green chilly - 3 to 4

• Ginger - small piece

• Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp

• Shallots - 3 to 4

• Curry leaves - few

• Salt to taste

• First grind the sliced mango, then add the coconut, chilly, shallots, curry leaves , turmeric pwr ,salt & ginger. Grind it well to make manga chammanthi


Serve with rice :)

Kozhukatta / Sweet rice balls




• Rice flour - 2 cup

• Coconut - 1 cup

• Sugar - 3 Thsp ( as required)

• Water - 2 cup

• Salt to taste

Preparation :-
• Mix together rice flour & salt.

• Boil water and pour it into the rice flour little by little.

• Mix well with a spoon. After cooling down, add the grated coconut, sugar & knead it well.

• Make medium sized balls (kozhukatta) from this & steam it in a steamer for 10 to 15 mins.

Kozhukatta is ready ..Serve it hot :)


Mixed Veg Upma

Mixed Veg Upma


• Rava - 1 cup

• Shallots -3 ( finely chopped )

• Mixed vegetables - 1/ 2 cup chopped (carrots, peas & cones)

• Green chillies- 2 chopped (adjust to taste)

• Ginger - 1/2 tsp grated

• Urad dal / uzhunnu parippu - 1/2 tsp

• Mustard seeds - 1/4 tsp

• Oil - 2 tsp

• Salt to taste

•Curry leaves

Preparation :-
1. Dry roast the rava in a pan until it turns a light brown . Transfer to a bowl when done & set aside to cool.

2. Heat oil in the same pan & add the mustard seeds, urad dal and curry leaves.

3. When the dal turns golden brown & the mustard seeds splutter, add the onions, green chillies & ginger. Fry for 4-5 mins until the onions turns golden brown.

4. Now add the vegetables. Mix well. Add about 3 cups water and cook closed until the vegetables turn soft.

5. Open, add salt and mix well. Then lower fire to sim and add the roasted rava little at a time, stirring constantly to avoid lumps. Continue to cook and stir for another 5 mins.

6. Remove and serve hot with sambar or chutney.

Bread Sandwich

Bread Sandwich


• Bread - 6 or 8

• Potato - 2 big

• Onion ( chopped ) - 1 medium

• Ginger-Garlic paste - 1 tsp

• Green chilli - 2

• Chilli powder - 1 /2 tsp

• Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp

• Pepper powder - 1/2 tsp

• Garam Masala - 1 tsp

• Salt to taste

• Curry leaf

Preparation for filling :-
• Peel and cut the potato into cubes and cook it with a pinch of salt and pepper.

• Heat oil in a pan and saute' GGp and chopped onions, green chilli and curry

• When they are soft ,add the cooked potato and mix it well.

• Then add all the powders and saute it for 2 minutes on medium flame.

• Add 1 tsp of oil and saute' it again on a medium flame for a special taste.

• Remove from fire and serve it hot!!

Preparation 4 sandwitch :-
• Toast the bread & fill potato masala on the middle of 2 breads & centre cut the bread and have it.......... :)

bread sandwich

Madak San

Madak San



• Maida – 1 1/4 cup

• Cardamon Powder – ¼ tsp

• Jeera (Cumin) – 1/2 tsp

• Shredded Coconut – 1 cup or as per taste

• Cashew nuts ( chopped) – 3 – 5 nos ( optional)

• Jaggery or Sugar – to taste

• Salt – a pinch

• Water


1. In a bowl, mix well maida, salt & water to a consistency that you can easily ladle out & make thin layer.

2. In another bowl mix together coconut, jeera, cardamom powder, cashew nuts and jaggery.

3. Ladle out to a greased hot non-stick pan and spread evenly using the ladle to make a round and evenly layered thin pancake.

4. After about 2 mins, spread the coconut mix, just half way through, allow to cook for 2 mins, fold in half and move to a serving tray

Serve hot..

Potato Masala

Potato Masala

Ingredients :-
• Potato - 2 big

• Onion ( chopped ) - 1 medium

• Ginger-Garlic paste - 1 tsp

• Green chilli - 2

• Chilli powder - 1 /2 tsp

• Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp

• Pepper powder - 1/2 tsp

• Garam Masala - 1 tsp

• Salt to taste

• Curry leaves - 1 sprig

Preparation :-
1. Peel and cut the potato into cubes and cook it with a pinch of salt and pepper .

2. Heat oil in a pan and saute ginger - garlic paste and chopped onions, green chilli and curry leaves.

3. When they are soft ,add the cooked potato and mix it well.

4. Then add all the powders and saute it for 2 minutes on medium flame.

5 Add 1 tsp of oil and saute' it again on a medium flame for a special taste.

6. Remove from fire and serve it hot!!!

Best with Chapathi or Rice




Ingredients :-
• Curd - 2 cup

• Shallots -3 (chopped)

• Turmeric pwr - 1/2 tsp

• Coconut - 1/2 cup

• Cumin seeds - 1/4 tsp

• Salt to taste

• Oil - 1 tbsp

For seasoning :-

• Mustard seeds - 1/4 tsp

• Curry leaves - few

• Red chilli - 3 to 4

• Green chilli - 2 to 3

• Curry leaves - 1 sprig

Preparation :-

1 . Grind coconut, one green chilli, shallots , cumin & turmeric along with some water to form a fine paste & keep it aside.

2 . Blend yogurt along with 1/2 cup water & salt until smooth. Keep it aside.

3 . Add beaten curd to the coconut mixture.

4 . Heat it for a few minutes and remove from stove top. Be careful not to boil the curry after adding curd.

5 . Heat oil in a pan & splutter mustard seeds. Saute chillies and curry leaves for a few minutes.

6 . Pour the seasoning over the curry and mix gently.

Pulissery is ready..

Carrot Idly

Carrot idly


Ingredients :-

 • Raw rice - 3 cup

• Urad dal - 1 cup

• Cooked rice - 3 Tbsp

• Fenugreek seeds - 1 teaspoon

• Onion - 1 ( thinly chopped)

• Carrot - 3 ( thinly chopped)

• Salt to taste

Preparation :-

1. Wash & soak the urad dal & rice seperately along with the fenugreek seeds for atleast 4 to 5 hours.

2. Strain the water & grind the rice, fenugreek seeds, cooked rice  & the urad dhal  to a smooth batter consistency by adding enough water ( u can use the strained water).

3.. Allow the batter to ferment overnight or at least for 12 hours. ( The batter rises well. So pour batter in a vessel only 3/4 the height of the vessel. It might overflow otherwise)
 4. After fermentation , mix the batter well with chopped onion & carrot and salt to taste. Grease the idli moulds with oil before pouring the batter.

 5.Fill the moulds about 3\4 and then steam them for about 15m.

Idly is now ready,. Serve it with sambar / chudney..

carrot idly




For idly batter


• Raw rice / pachari - 3 cup

• Urad dal / uzhunnu - 1 cup

• Cooked rice - 3 Tbsp

• Fenugreek seeds - 1 tsp

• Salt to taste

Preparation :-

1. Wash & soak the urad dal & rice seperately along with the fenugreek seeds for atleast 4 to 5 hours.

2. Strain the water & grind the rice, fenugreek seeds, cooked rice  & the urad dhal  to a smooth consistency by adding enough water ( u can use the strained water).

3.. Allow the batter to ferment overnight or at least for 12 hours. ( The batter rises well. So pour batter in a vessel only 3/4 the height of the vessel. It might overflow otherwise)

4. After fermentation , mix the batter well and add salt to it .

5.Grease the idli moulds with oil before pouring the batter. Fill the moulds about 3\4 and then steam them for about 15 mins.

Idly is now ready,. Serve it with sambar / chudney..


Mutta Thoran / Egg Stir fry

Mutta Thoran


• Egg - 2 or 3

• Onion - 1 (chopped )

• Green chilly - 3 ( chopped )

• Coconut - 3 to 4 tbsp grated

• Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp

• Curry leaves - few

• Salt to taste

• Oil

Preparation :-

1. Beat the eggs & keep it aside.

2.  Mix coconut, green chilly & turmeric pdr in a bowl.

3.  Heat oil in a pan & add chopped onion, when it turns translucent ,add coconut mixture , salt & saute it well for 2 mins.

4. Add the beaten eggs ,curry leaves & scramble it continuously until it looks like a thoran :)

Serve it hot with rice,chapathi or dosa.
